Nächste Folie

Master the art of natural stain removal

Published on
Feb 5, 2024
Duration: 4 min

5 sustainable helpers for your household

Whether you've accidentally spilled red wine on your favorite shirt or splattered coffee on your white blouse, stains on your clothes can be a real challenge. But before you give up on your beloved garments, there's an art that everyone can master: the art of natural stain removal. In this article, you'll not only discover how to get rid of pesky stains in an eco-friendly way but also learn about sustainable laundry practices and finding refurbished washing machines in Berlin.

5 secrets of natural stain removal

1. Lemon Juice and Salt for Fruit and Red Wine Stains: If you spot a fresh fruit or red wine stain on your clothing, don't panic! Just squeeze lemon juice onto the stain and sprinkle some salt. Let the mixture sit and then wash the garment as usual.

2. Baking Soda for Oil and Grease Stains: Oil and grease stains can be stubborn, but baking soda is a real lifesaver. Generously sprinkle baking soda on the stain, let it sit for a while, and then brush it off before washing the garment as usual.

3. Vinegar and Water for Deodorant Stains: Deodorant stains are annoying, but you can easily remove them with a mixture of vinegar and water. Soak the stain, let the mixture work its magic, and then wash the garment.

4. Gall Soap for Tough Stains: For particularly tough stains like grass or blood, gall soap is an invaluable helper. Apply the soap to the stain, let it sit, and then wash the garment. You'll be amazed at how well it works!

5. Soapnuts: An eco-friendly alternative to conventional detergents is soapnuts. These small, brown fruits contain natural saponins that effectively remove dirt and stains. Just place some soapnuts in a fabric bag and toss them into the washing machine. They are gentle on the environment, biodegradable, and can be reused multiple times. A sustainable option for your laundry care!

Sustainable Laundry: Doing Good for the Environment and Your Wallet

Now that you know how to naturally remove stains, let's talk about sustainable laundry. Here are some tips to make your washing routine more eco-friendly:

1. Wash Full Loads: Make your washing machine more efficient by loading it to capacity. This saves water and energy.

2. Use Cold Water: In most cases, cold water is sufficient to clean your clothes. It saves energy and preserves the colors of your garments.

3. Choose Eco-friendly Detergents: Opt for biodegradable and chemical-free detergents that are kind to the environment.

4. Air Dry: Skip the dryer and let your clothes air dry. Not only does it save energy, but it also extends the lifespan of your clothing.

Finding Refurbished Washing Machines in Berlin

If your old washing machine gives up the ghost or you're looking for a more sustainable option, buying a refurbished washing machine is a great idea. In Berlin, there's a growing community of providers who restore and sell high-quality used washing machines.

GOODZ Club is part of the new circular economy. Following the motto "Circular Instead of New," we offer professionally refurbished washing machines with a warranty. Feel free to check out our shop where we provide washing machines for both purchase and subscription.

About us

Welcome to GOODZ Club!

We are your partner for household appliances and sustainable living. We currently offer used washing machines, but our ambition is to set standards for quality and environmental awareness in Berlin.

We value:
  • High-quality appliances: We offer carefully selected household appliances that meet the highest quality standards
  • Professional repairs: Our experts ensure that your appliances are always in top condition. Professional repairs so that you can enjoy your household appliances for a long time to come
  • Fair prices: We offer fair prices because quality and sustainability should not be mutually exclusive
Together with you, we want to shape a future in which quality, sustainability and comfort go hand in hand - for a home that not only works, but inspires.

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