Nächste Folie

Buy or Subscribe to a Washing Machine?

Published on
Feb 5, 2024
Duration: 3 min

Which washing machine tariff is the right one?

The decision that one needs a new washing machine is usually made quickly. However, there are now various ways or tariffs to get a washing machine. Which tariff is right for you depends on individual needs. Rent or buy a washing machine - let's find out which tariff makes the most sense for you.Da immer mehr Menschen Flexibilität schätzen, haben wir bei GOODZ Club einen neuen Tarif für gebrauchte und erneuerte Waschmaschinen etabliert: das Waschmaschinenabo. Neben dem Abo bieten wir natürlich auch Maschinen zum Kauf an. Aber wie entscheidest Du, welche Option für Deine Bedürfnisse und Deinen Geldbeutel am besten geeignet ist? Hier kommt der Ratgeber, der Dich in Deiner Entscheidung unterstützt.

The Washing Machine Subscription: Low monthly costs, constant maintenance and replacement guarantee

The washing machine subscription offers maximum flexibility and convenient use:

  • Low monthly costs: You pay a comparatively low monthly fee, in this case, €10.99 per month, to use the washing machine.
  • Maintenance and repairs included: Our subscription service includes maintenance and repairs, so you don't have to worry about additional costs.
  • Continuous availability: With a subscription, you always have the convenience of quickly replacing a faulty machine with a working one, so your laundry never comes to a halt.
  • Shared apartments, expats, and Airbnb hosts: For apartments where residents change frequently, this tariff makes sense. Costs can be flexibly distributed based on the current occupancy.

Buying a washing machine: One-time costs, warranty included, and perfect for skilled private sellers

Buying a used and refurbished washing machine also offers some advantages:

  • One-time costs: With a purchase, you pay a larger sum once and then own the machine. At GOODZ Club, a 3-year warranty is included with the purchase, covering repairs and spare parts.
  • Long-term investment: The washing machine belongs to you and can be used for many years without monthly fees.
  • Self-market residual value: Are you a good seller? Then you may be able to sell the machine profitably on the private market when you no longer need it.

What do buying and renting a refurbished machine have in common? Above all, they protect the planet!

In addition to the mentioned differences, there are also many aspects that apply to both tariffs:

  • Circular economy instead of new purchase: All machines available in our shop are second-hand washing machines that have been professionally refurbished. This actively contributes to the circular economy.
  • Delivery, connection, and old appliance removal included: Regardless of whether it's a purchase or a subscription, GOODZ Club offers a convenient delivery service. We also connect the machine directly so you can start washing your laundry right away.
  • Digital customer service: As a GOODZ Club member, you always have the option to ask us for advice. We have a WhatsApp channel that is always available. We do our best to respond to you as quickly as possible

Conclusion: The right choice for your needs

The decision between buying a washing machine and a subscription depends on your personal circumstances.

  • Subscription: The subscription is perfect for people who value flexibility and don't want to worry about possible repairs. Monthly payments make purchasing a new machine easier to digest. This tariff is also perfect for shared apartments where roommates change frequently, and the acquisition of a machine can lead to conflicts. Similarly, the tariff is aimed at people who only temporarily reside in Berlin, for example, for only a year.
  • Purchase: If you feel more comfortable owning the washing machine after just one payment, the purchase tariff is your best option. Of course, we also offer you an incredible 3-year warranty with the purchase! So you don't have to worry for quite some time if the machine needs a little support. If you plan to sell the machine privately at a later date, this is, of course, a good option to earn some money back.

Of course, you can find both tariffs in the GOODZ Club Shop.

About us

Welcome to GOODZ Club!

We are your partner for household appliances and sustainable living. We currently offer used washing machines, but our ambition is to set standards for quality and environmental awareness in Berlin.

We value:
  • High-quality appliances: We offer carefully selected household appliances that meet the highest quality standards
  • Professional repairs: Our experts ensure that your appliances are always in top condition. Professional repairs so that you can enjoy your household appliances for a long time to come
  • Fair prices: We offer fair prices because quality and sustainability should not be mutually exclusive
Together with you, we want to shape a future in which quality, sustainability and comfort go hand in hand - for a home that not only works, but inspires.

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