Nächste Folie

Keep it spinning: Essential washing machine spin cycles

Published on
Feb 5, 2024
Duration: 4 min

Saving Electricity And Protecting Your Clothes

The spining speed of a washing machine plays a crucial role not only in the cleaning process of your laundry but also in energy consumption. But what exactly does this term mean, and what impact does it have on energy consumption? In this article, we take a closer look at the fast rotations and examine whether they actually play a role in saving electricity. The revolutions per minute (RPM) of a washing machine can influence power consumption. Although the impact is not as significant as with other factors such as selecting the wash temperature or program, it holds true: the higher the spin speed, the greater the electricity consumed during your laundry cycles. We recommend keeping the speed low. Here, you will find out what else you should consider when spinning.

Why a Low Spin Speed Makes Sense:

  • Lifespan of the Washing Machine: Higher spin speeds create additional stress on the components of the machine, particularly on bearings, seals, and springs. This can lead to faster wear and tear, ultimately shortening the lifespan of the washing machine.
  • Gentler on Clothing: Lower spin speeds can help protect the fibers of delicate laundry during the washing process. Fine or delicate garments are less likely to be damaged by excessive spinning.
  • Reduced Vibrations: Higher spin speeds generally generate more vibrations and noise. By lowering the spin speed, not only is the noise level reduced, but also the surface on which the machine is placed is spared from excess vibrations.

The Optimal Spin Speed: Pay Attention to Revolutions Per Minute (RPM)

The optimal spin speed can vary depending on the textile category. Pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions found in the labels of your laundry. In general, when in doubt, it's advisable to spin at fewer revolutions per minute. Here are some rough guidelines for optimal spin speeds in revolutions per minute (RPM):

  • Delicate textiles (wool, silk): 400 - 600 RPM
  • Cotton and mixed fabrics: 600 - 800 RPM
  • Towels and bed linen: 800 - 1,000 RPM
  • Sportswear and synthetic fabrics: 600 - 800 RPM
  • Jeans and robust fabrics: 800 - 1,000 RPM

More Tips on Proper Spinning:

  • Use the Eco Program: Modern washing machines come with Eco washing programs that consume less electricity and water. Given current electricity prices, this is definitely advisable. Choose this option to make your laundry cycles more sustainable.
  • Balance the Washing Machine: Prevent your machine from wandering around by ensuring it is properly aligned. Use a level to check alignment both lengthwise and widthwise, and adjust the feet if necessary.
  • Avoid Imbalances: Don't load the washing machine halfway or too full. Leave enough space between laundry and drum to avoid imbalances during spinning, ensuring your machine runs smoothly.
  • Match Fabrics and Spin Speed: Follow the recommendations on your clothing's care labels and adjust the program accordingly. A lower spin speed may be more suitable for delicate fabrics, while more robust items can be spun at higher speeds. This protects your clothes and saves energy. The same applies to temperatures.
  • Hang Slightly Damp Clothes to Dry: Consider taking your laundry out of the machine slightly damp. This prevents excessive spinning and saves additional energy, as the laundry dries faster. We generally advise against using a washer-dryer due to its low energy efficiency rating.

Tips for Buying Used Washing Machines:

Before deciding to purchase a used washing machine, ensure that it is capable of reaching a sufficiently high spin speed to efficiently dry your laundry. Also, inspect the condition of the drum to ensure it has no cracks or damages, and there should be no water leakage. Used appliances can be a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative as long as they are still in good condition and enable energy-efficient washing. Machines with a better energy efficiency class consume less electricity per wash cycle, often making them more economical in the long run. Keep these tips in mind, and you can ensure that your used washing machine stays with you for many cycles, being both economical and environmentally friendly.

About us

Welcome to GOODZ Club!

We are your partner for household appliances and sustainable living. We currently offer used washing machines, but our ambition is to set standards for quality and environmental awareness in Berlin.

We value:
  • High-quality appliances: We offer carefully selected household appliances that meet the highest quality standards
  • Professional repairs: Our experts ensure that your appliances are always in top condition. Professional repairs so that you can enjoy your household appliances for a long time to come
  • Fair prices: We offer fair prices because quality and sustainability should not be mutually exclusive
Together with you, we want to shape a future in which quality, sustainability and comfort go hand in hand - for a home that not only works, but inspires.

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