Nächste Folie

6 Tips to Extend the Lifespan of Your Washing Machine

Published on
Feb 5, 2024
Duration: 4 min

The purchase of a washing machine is an investment in household management and convenience. To ensure that this investment pays off in the long run while simultaneously reducing environmental impact, it is crucial to extend the lifespan of the machine. In this blog post, we share important tips and impressive facts on how you can keep your washing machine running for a longer duration.

The average lifespan of a washing machine

First and foremost, let's take a look at some impressive numbers:

  • Average lifespan: The average lifespan of a washing machine is approximately 10 to 15 years. This means that a washing machine handles thousands of laundry cycles throughout its life.
  • Wash cycles: An average washing machine can perform more than 5,000 wash cycles during its lifespan.

Tips to Extend the Lifespan of Your Washing Machine

Here are some proven methods to ensure that your washing machine reaches and even exceeds its lifespan:

  1. Regular Maintenance: Ensure that your washing machine undergoes regular maintenance. This includes cleaning the lint filter, checking seals for leaks, and descaling the unit if necessary.
  2. Proper Loading: Do not overload the washing machine. Excessive loading can lead to excessive wear and inefficient washing.
  3. Use the Right Detergent: Use the recommended detergent and dose it according to the instructions. Too much detergent can lead to deposits that may damage the machine.
  4. Avoid Overheating: Use lower washing temperatures whenever possible. This not only protects your clothes but also reduces the machine's energy consumption.
  5. Clean the Drum: Occasionally run an empty cycle at higher temperatures to rid the drum of bacteria and deposits.
  6. Proper Drying: Leave the door of the washing machine open after each wash to prevent mold formation. Use the dryer sparingly and clean the lint filter regularly.

Sustainability and Cost-Saving Facts

Extending the lifespan of your washing machine has not only ecological but also financial benefits:

  • Energy Savings: The longer you use your washing machine, the less energy is needed for manufacturing new devices.
  • Cost Savings: Purchasing a new washing machine is expensive. By extending the lifespan of your current machine, you save money.
  • Environmental Conservation: Each washing machine that lasts longer means less electronic waste and reduced resource consumption.

By following these tips, you can significantly extend the lifespan of your washing machine, reduce your ecological footprint, and save money in the long run. A win-win situation for both you and the environment!

About us

Welcome to GOODZ Club!

We are your partner for household appliances and sustainable living. We currently offer used washing machines, but our ambition is to set standards for quality and environmental awareness in Berlin.

We value:
  • High-quality appliances: We offer carefully selected household appliances that meet the highest quality standards
  • Professional repairs: Our experts ensure that your appliances are always in top condition. Professional repairs so that you can enjoy your household appliances for a long time to come
  • Fair prices: We offer fair prices because quality and sustainability should not be mutually exclusive
Together with you, we want to shape a future in which quality, sustainability and comfort go hand in hand - for a home that not only works, but inspires.

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