Nächste Folie

The Ecological Impact of a (Refurbished) Washing Machine

Published on
Feb 5, 2024
Duration: 3 min

Carbon Footprint of a washing machine from Production to Recycling

Have you ever thought about how environmentally friendly your washing machine really is? This blog post takes you on a journey through the ecological footprint of a washing machine, from its production to recycling. We present interesting numbers, data, and facts that highlight the importance of making sustainable decisions when acquiring and using household appliances.

The production of a washing machine

The production of a washing machine requires a significant amount of resources. Here are some impressive figures:

  • Energy consumption: The manufacturing of an average washing machine consumes about 7,000 kWh of energy. This is equivalent to the annual energy consumption of an average household in Germany!
  • Water consumption: The production of a washing machine requires about 3,000 liters of water. This is roughly equivalent to 50 average showers.
  • Raw materials: To manufacture a washing machine, various raw materials such as metals, plastics, and glass are used. The amount of raw materials equals the weight of two small cars!

Usage phase of a washing machine

The ecological balance of a washing machine is, of course, also influenced by its daily operation:

  • Energy consumption: The energy consumption of a washing machine depends on various factors, including temperature and wash duration. An average wash cycle can consume between 0.5 and 2 kWh.
  • Water consumption: A conventional washing machine can use up to 150 liters of water during one wash cycle.
  • Detergent: The use of environmentally friendly detergents can reduce the ecological footprint since they contain fewer harmful chemicals and are biodegradable.

Recycling and Disposal

What happens when your washing machine reaches the end of its life?

  • Recycling rate: In Germany, about 75% of discarded electrical appliances, including washing machines, are recycled. This means that valuable materials can be recovered and reused.
  • Environmental impact: Improper disposal of washing machines can have harmful effects on the environment, as they often contain hazardous chemicals and metals. Therefore, proper disposal is of great importance.

Conclusion: Choosing the right washing machine and the importance of refurbishing appliances

The ecological footprint of a washing machine is a complex issue that depends on many factors. Before purchasing a new washing machine, it's worth looking for energy-efficient models with low water consumption. Additionally, by using environmentally friendly detergents and adopting the right washing practices, you can contribute to reducing the ecological footprint.

However, the crucial point here is this: Given the enormous energy and resource investment required for manufacturing a washing machine, it often makes more sense to buy a renewed machine. These pre-owned devices have been carefully refurbished and are often just as efficient as new models but contribute significantly less to environmental impact.

Also, consider the proper disposal of your old washing machine to ensure that it is recycled and does not harm the environment. Every step counts in protecting our environment and conserving resources. By choosing a renewed machine, you not only contribute to a more sustainable future but can also save money – a win-win situation for you and our planet.

About us

Welcome to GOODZ Club!

We are your partner for household appliances and sustainable living. We currently offer used washing machines, but our ambition is to set standards for quality and environmental awareness in Berlin.

We value:
  • High-quality appliances: We offer carefully selected household appliances that meet the highest quality standards
  • Professional repairs: Our experts ensure that your appliances are always in top condition. Professional repairs so that you can enjoy your household appliances for a long time to come
  • Fair prices: We offer fair prices because quality and sustainability should not be mutually exclusive
Together with you, we want to shape a future in which quality, sustainability and comfort go hand in hand - for a home that not only works, but inspires.

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